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Exoprise Glossary

Synthetic Monitoring

What is Synthetic Monitoring?

Synthetic monitoring is a type of monitoring technique used to access the performance, availability, and functionality of websites, applications, and other digital services. It simulates a transaction or interaction to mimic real users and analyzes the systems response for potential issues.

The synthetic monitoring transactions can include logging in, submitting forms, navigating through pages, and even specific requests. These are typically scripted test scenarios with a defined sequence of steps that the transaction follows, ran at regular intervals.

Synthetic monitoring tools allow the simulation of interactions from different geographic locations. This is useful for assessing the global performance of an application and ensures the user experience across many regions.

Monitoring with synthetics establishes a performance benchmark and baseline for applications providing reference points for comparison, enabling organizations to measure the impact of changes and updates. By analyzing the metrics, IT admins can identify performance bottlenecks and optimize the digital experience and validate SLAs.

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