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macOS Digital Experience Monitoring

Challenges in Monitoring macOS Digital Experiences

Monitoring Apple macOS digital experiences across desktops and laptops requires recording performance, security, and other relevant metrics from the device, often for a remote worker or personally owned computer. Supporting these macOS enterprise users can be challenging for IT organizations when the tools and expertise doesn’t exist for macOS devices as much as they do for the Microsoft Windows platform.

macOS DEM/DEX challenges

Limitations in Network and Performance Monitoring

While macOS provides some tools for performance and network monitoring, there are limitations that make it difficult to capture the employee digital experience

macOS lacks network granularity

Limited Built-in Tools

macOS Activity Monitor lacks network application granularity

macOS security emphasis

Security Considerations

macOS emphasis on security limits what can be captured for troubleshooting

no macOS performance recording

No Recording or History

macOS offers no way to record performance for baselines or compare

command line tools have limitations

Command Line Tools

For details, admins must resort to command line tools like netstat or tcpdump

macOS enterprise complexity

Environmental Complexity

Non-native enterprise network integration increases complexity and troubleshooting

Network Virtualization

VPNs and SASE architectures on macOS introduce more network complexity

Best of Both Worlds for macOS Digital Experience Monitoring

macOS Real-user Monitoring

Service Watch Real-User Monitoring and CloudReady Synthetics

The Exoprise DEM platform for macOS uniquely supports a combination of Service Watch Real-user Monitoring and CloudReady synthetics in one solution. This includes monitoring the performance of the device, the OS, the apps, and the network.

Diagnose UCaaS, VoIP, and Collaboration Apps

Diagnosing networked UCaaS apps like Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and Zoom along with mission-critical business office suites like Microsoft 365, Google Apps, or Salesforce is critical when employees work from home or Bring Their Own Devices (BYOD) on the macOS platform.

Diagnose UCaaS, VoIP, and call-center apps on macOS
Complete DEM/DEX visibility for macOS

Complete Network DEM / DEX for macOS

Diagnosing applications, system resources, or enterprise browser access ensures a smooth and productive experience for macOS users. Troubleshooting 3rd-party SaaS, Web and thick client macOS applications is critical to enterprise collaboration and productivity. Previously, this kind of DEM/DEX diagnosis wasn’t possible before on the macOS platform.

Digital Experience Monitoring for macOS Video

Watch this tutorial for an overview of Service Watch Digital Experience Monitoring for macOS

Digital Experience Monitoring for macOS tutorial

macOS Real User Monitoring

1000s of Metrics for macOS

Collect Thousands of Metrics

Service Watch for macOS monitors the intersection of business & communications apps and the dependent network, Wi-Fi access points or gateways from the macOS device and end-user perspective. Once deployed, Service Watch collects thousands of metrics used to diagnose and troubleshoot the employee experience.

Deep Network Visibility for macOS

On top of the typical resource metrics (CPU, disk, memory, etc.) Service Watch offers complete network visibility into the TCP/IP and UDP network traffic for core applications. Combined with synthetics and Service Watch Active Test, this visibility is complete coverage and proactive monitoring in one solution, no matter where employees work.

macOS Deep Network Visibility
Service Watch for macOS

Monitoring SaaS Apps from the macOS Users Perspective

Diagnose slow SaaS, custom, or in-house Web-based applications with Service Watch and Service Watch Browser. Pinpoint the app, network ISP, proxies or SASE solution that’s slowing access and limiting productivity. Reduce Mean-Time-To-Resolution (MTTR) when end users report issues and hold SaaS vendors accountable for their SLAs.

Instrumented from the end-user devices, Service Watch pinpoints the slow culprit in the service delivery chain or network path. Application owners – even if they’re not developers – get a perspective of the overall device experience.

Synthetic Monitoring for macOS

CloudReady Synthetic monitoring simulates end-user interactions with business-critical applications or websites to proactively monitor their performance. Synthetic monitoring identifies potential issues before users being affected and runs 24/7. With CloudReady synthetic monitoring, complex SaaS applications are continuously tested.

synthetic monitoring on macOS

Don't spend time maintaining custom scripts for web or SaaS apps

CloudReady synthetics monitor any web-based app for high-level timings and low-level network analytics to diagnose quickly. Automated alarms raise incidents for tickets and ServiceNow integration.

Service Watch Active Test for Continuous Network Tests

Service Watch Desktop for macOS include Active Test. Active Test is a combination of lightweight synthetics run from an end-users macOS device to generate network performance baselines for comparison.  Test the Wi-Fi, network, VPN, VPN and Web performance from an end-users Apple macOS device and utilize simple alarms across groups of devices for proactive detection. Troubleshoot SDWAN, VPNs and other common SASE architectures to ensure they aren’t affecting employee productivity.

macOS Digital Experience Gif
Compare macOS Device Performance by OS, ISP, Network Type, and more

Segment and Compare by OS, Network, ISP and more...

Service Watch Device Groups enable dynamic grouping of devices and metrics for comparison, alarms, and network intelligence. Device Groups can be integrated into any environment and are automatically generated based on device assets.

ISP and network type Device Groups are automatically set up based on heuristics and analysis of each device’s environment. Hybrid employees – work both in the office and at home – are segmented automatically for problem detection.

Give it a try for free.

Diagnose end-user, application, and network issues without complicated deployments

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